About Us

When life gets tough, we all could use a little hope, maybe even a dash of humor.  A fresh perspective can be the small thing that makes a world of difference.  That is our goal!  LifeScript Magazine endeavors to be altruistically uplifting, by sharing collective stories about real-life experiences and thoughtful content to enrich lives and help flourish wherever you are.

Our motto is: Life Comes With a Script.  We may say: Every Life Comes With a Script — Partly Written,” which then would require the lengthier explanation.  So, here is the rundown: It does. Such is life. But, all of life’s path is not ‘set in stone.’  Metaphorically and literally, we have arranged things to be said and understood exactly in such a manner to tickle your thoughts.  Starting here — the intrinsic design and unique characteristics of every person (whether genetic coding, social role, cultural behaviors, life experiences, etc.) span quite a complex and unending script!  However, despite inherent qualities and individual dispositions, be grateful for the ability to make choices and changes – such as to shift perspective, establish new patterns, or find meaningfully positive connections for more purposeful living.

Our online magazine will cover an array of subjects as — such is life — substances pooled from a variety of persons whose experience(s) will be featured, hoping to enlighten and encourage readers. Within our content, we hope you can find some “you too, have one of those?” moments, and realize that although individually unique, you are not alone in your experience. So, we will unpack endearing accounts and endurance stories from our walk and our lives. In a world besieged by problems, pain, and despair, we would like to highlight victories, foster hope, energize thoughts and create splashes of humor, via meaningful content and moving conversations. [Splashes: (informal noun) a prominent or sensational news feature or magazine story; a striking, ostentatious, or exciting effect or event; Terri frolicking in words.]  We are not squeamish about the informal writing style.  Just saying.  We’ve specifically programmed our pen to properly suit the drive of communication.

Expect to find references to biblical scriptures here on purpose.  The word “scripture” comes from Latin, “I Write”.  In fact, here is a scripture verse from the Bible (Luke 4:4 ) which states:  And Jesus answered him, saying – It is written, that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.  Essentially, God has provided written answers to our many tests in life, as the provision to empower humanity through life, to find real peace, joy, and to overcome the toughest obstacles and paralyzing problems. And, if you’re anything human like me, then you’re also still walking through some processes. I’ll admit, there are certain places in life where the natural senses freak out and human reasoning simply doesn’t work!  The scriptures can thoroughly furnish instructions and wisdom, and illuminate reality in light of God’s greater perspective.  Let’s exercise faith and find strength from being in tune with God. Also, let us pledge to be mindful of what’s feeding our spirit, soul, and body.  When all is said and done, we endeavor to serve reminders that in spite of challenging circumstances, life can be pleasantly fulfilling by the grace of God.  But, give God something to work with — even a little faith.

We will aim to resourcefully stack our toolkit for your up-building.  For example: When you don’t have the words, or words aren’t strong enough, there could be a song — someone else’s lyrics (and oooh, the rhythm!) which may just be the useful gizmo currently needed.  Like getting the right birthday card for someone … no need to rewrite the words; instead, take hold of what reverberates your heart.  I have a birthday cake in my car, but couldn’t roll it in here and also jump out of it.  Come with me …

Just Me

Hi, I am Terri.

I’m a Scripturient.  (But, I think I’m not supposed to say that to anyone.  Hence, I’m writing it.) The word is hardly used today. In fact, if searching online for scripturient, you may find the following: Obsolete. Sorry, no etymologies found. What made you want to look up scripturient? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote) if possible. Good grief! Shh, don’t mention my name — perhaps scandalous. No wonder etymologies are in hiding!  No kidding. A scripturient is simply someone who has a passion (or itch) for writing — a lot. In other words, (Terri Scott, Author) my sort is a book lover’s favorite type of person. Additionally, I ascribe to other certain conditions of being an accountant … prone to audit the minutia (intrinsic desire to beautifully extrapolate the underlying values) from obscure accounts, and such. For real. I am particularly amused by discoveries of new words, whimsical phrases, and untamed oddities in the English language.  Thus, my delightful rhetorical excursions can be bursting at the seams with verbose details and peculiar things.  (My left brain and right brain have amicably reached a settlement — I have the right to say that some things are best left alone.) 

Occasionally, there might be an overdose of expressions.  Not a problem – refer to all aforementioned and you’ll see overall that I am in commendable condition! Sometimes I’m kidding, sometimes adulting, sometimes highly inside-voiced (thinking to myself). I do have my moments. Well, don’t we all?  “Life is easy to chronicle, but bewildering to practice.” — E. M. Forster, A Room With a View. Wildly interesting enough, scripturients tend to get their work done in scriptoriums, a room set apart for writing (often found in monasteries where manuscripts were copied). Figuratively, I go there. Way cooler than my personal office!  You can actually google scriptoriums to go and see, but virtually you/we won’t need any office visits.

I am thankful for the coordinates that brought us together.  We’ve journeyed quite a bit to get here — both you and I, haven’t we?  Kudos!  We’re companions already! Let’s stay connected. LifeScriptMagazine.com. Let’s do life together.  Subscribe.


Timeless … love!

If I could send you a message in a bottle, I would say:  Discover your passion, then turn it into a tool to build up others.